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Created by DreamXZE#1912. Idea by Hazir#0010.

Player Token

If you want to be able to import your data directly from the API without using the import from the clipboard, please log-in and you will be able to use this feature.

Import through clipboard

Paste your data and click on "Import"!
Click to Import!

The first table gathers the options to generate the picture. You can choose the titan, the type of sign (normal or blob) and then select if people should hit a part (Yes), use Victory March (VM) or not hit it (No).
After this, the picture is generated and you can download it by clicking on the button under it.

If you want to be able to switch between Abyssal and The Main Game value, please


and you will be able to use this feature.


Type of Sign
Left Shoulder
Right Shoulder
Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Leg
Right Leg

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